2023 Supply Chain Act Annual Report
This inaugural Annual Report (the “Report”) is produced in accordance with section 11 of the Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act (the “Supply Chains Act” or the “Act”) and is filed for the following entities:
- 7606826 Canada Inc. (“7606826 Canada”); and
- Fleurco Products Inc. (“Fleurco”),
(each a “Reporting Entity” and collectively, the “Reporting Entities”, “we”, “us” or “our”) covering the twelve-month financial year ended November 30, 2023 (the “Reporting Period”).
Our Structure, Operations and Supply Chains
7606826 Canada is the parent company of Fleurco Products Inc. Both Reporting Entities are governed by the Canada Business Corporations Act and have their registered office at 4575 boul. Poirier, St-Laurent, Quebec, Canada H4R 2A4.
Fleurco specializes in the design, manufacturing and distribution of a full range of high-end glass shower doors, bathtubs, lighted mirrors and accessories.
The Reporting Entities together employ over 75 people in Canada.
We source our products from a variety of suppliers located in Canada, China, the United States and Europe. A large number of our suppliers are located in both Canada (15) and China (14). Some of the products we source include shower doors, bathtubs, mirrors, medicine cabinets, vanities and drains.
The Steps We Have Taken During the Reporting Period to Prevent and Reduce the Risk of Forced Labour and Child Labour
During the Reporting Period we initiated discussion with certain of our Chinese suppliers regarding the issue of forced labour and child labour. During these discussions we were not notified of past occurrence of or issues related to forced labour or child labour and received confirmations from them that they do not employ any forced labour or child labour in their operations. Except for this, we did not take any other steps to prevent or reduce forced labour and child labour in our supply chain.
Policies, Due Diligence and Controls
At the moment, we do not have policies regarding forced labour, child labour or human rights in general. We have not developed due diligence processes or controls in regards to these topics.
Nonetheless, we aim to develop in the future policies tackling these issues to ensure that instances of forced labour or child labour in our operations and supply chain may be uncovered and addressed.
Risk Assessment Methodology and Results of Assessment
During the Reporting Period we did not make any assessment of the potential risk related to forced labour and child labour in our operations and supply chains.
Risks of Forced Labour and Child Labour in our Operations and Supply Chains
To our knowledge, during the Reporting Period we have not identified risks of forced labour and child labour in our operations and supply chains. Our risk assessment process is currently non existent. We have a goal of possibly setting up a compliance program to address this issue during our current financial year.
Remedial Action Taken during the Reporting Period
No, during the Reporting Period we have not taken any remediation measures.
Our remediation processes
Since we have no compliance program addressing specifically the issue of forced labour and child labour in our operations and supply chains, we have currently no remediation process in place to deal with this issue.
Remediation actions for the loss of income to the most vulnerable families that results from any measure taken to eliminate forced labour and child labour from our operations and supply chains
No, we have not taken any remediation measures.
Our training
We have no director, officer or staff training in place at the moment dealing with forced labour and child labour in our operations and supply chains.
Assessing our effectiveness
No assessment of our effectiveness to prevent and reduce the occurrence of forced labour and child labour in our operations and supply chains was conducted and until we have put in place a compliance program to address this issue we are not contemplating doing so.
This Report was approved by the director of 7606826 Canada pursuant to Subsection 11(4)(b)(i) of the Act on May 24, 2024.
In accordance with the requirements of the Act, and in particular section 11 thereof, I attest that I have reviewed the information contained in the Report for the entity or entities listed above. Based on my knowledge, and having exercised reasonable diligence, I attest that the information in the report is true, accurate and complete in all material respects for the purposes of the Act, for the reporting year listed above.
Dated this 24th day of May, 2024
7606826 Canada Inc.
/s/ Robert Schachter
Robert Schachter, Director, I have the authority to bind 7606826 Canada Inc.